Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009?

Speaking of being broke (12/30 blog), is it really going to be a 'Happy' New Year? It seems like a pretty dismal outlook if you ask me. No one has any money, no one is spending, and no one is lending. I hope our President elect can make good on his word to turn the economy around. It seems to me that we're still cleaning up the mess from the last Democratic Administration--and Mr. President elect is re-building that very same Administration. It's a good thing the Republicans are there to take the fall--not to mention clean up the mess. Yes, it'll be interesting to see if all those pretty words and big promises turn into a plan of action--that is, if we don't get blown to smitherines first. But once again, it won't happen until the Republicans are back in control of Congress, busy cleaning up the economic fallout and whatever other messes the Democrats make over the next four years. Even if Congress does somehow manage to turn the economy around, I think it will be a short lived victory.

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