Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Higher Education, or Just More Costly?

Does anyone ever wonder where all that tuition money goes? How about the millions of dollars a year that Colleges and Universities make on football games (while the players get all broken up for nothing). Now, granted I have a BS myself, but I certainly didn't need one in order to perform my current job. It may have gotten me looked at over other applicants, but let's face it--unless you are going to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, or something along those lines, do you really need a degree? How many parents and students have racked up thousands of dollars in tuition and/or loans and aren't even working in their field of study? These Institutions are racking it up while the rest of us are up to our eyeballs in debt. I graduated in 1997, and I can't even remember half of the classes I took, and they probably wouldn't apply in today's world or economy anyway. All I know is that I majored in Management and Technology and minored in Behavioral Science. If you want to study people, go to a mall. For all you Medical and Law Professional wannabes out there, please, pay me no mind. Go ahead and do your extra 4-8 years of time. As for the rest of you, you might want to hold on to your $20k + for just a little while longer.

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